Tuesday, November 19, 2019

305 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

305 - Essay Example It will also increase efficiency because the front desk will only use automated services to communicate with the other departments. It will also ensure surveillance so that workers at the front-desk department do their responsibilities without wasting time. The front-desk department at the organization has for a long time been ineffective creating losses for the company because of a waste of time. The main issue regards doing things manually at the reception. The company secretaries do not use any machine that links the department to other departments within the company. The only machine in the front desk area is a computer that is only used to record customer visits when they come to the company and employee attendance every morning when they report to work. The front desk is supposed to receive customers and potential clients, listen to their concerns and send them to the relevant departments for help or service. However, customers and employees have reported that the front-desk is very slow in their responsibilities, ignore their duties and are ineffective. The source of this problem is that the front desk lacks automated systems that could have helped the department to make the processes fast and be reliable. Because of this, employees at the department are forced to walk to other departments in search of important documents or to seek clarification over important matters that may not be appropriate for phone calls. This has seen some employees take up to 30 minutes when going to take important documents. They waste time along the way, tell stories during work time and deliberately take time to avoid doing much work. In addition, simple tasks that require a phone call to other departments are ignored. Instead of making the calls, the employees deliberately walk out of their working area pretending that they need to go and find such information physically. These problems have increased inefficiencies within the

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